Friday, May 17, 2013

2 Men and a Truck

No, not the moving company... well, I guess in a way it is the moving company.

See this map?? Yep - this is what my husband and father are driving this weekend. Repeat... DRIVING.

My brother has lived in Denver for the last 3 years but his time there is coming to a close and he has to move back. His job moves most of his stuff for him but there are things he doesn't want them to move (ie: my grandfather's shotguns, his guitar collection, his Harley and of course, his beer collection - all the important things). He of course has other work commitments so he can't be the one to drive it all back - enter my dad and husband.

Today they are flying out to Denver. Tomorrow they are spending the day fly fishing together. And Sunday they are packing up a van and hitting the road back to South Carolina. It will take them around 24 hours in the car so they are splitting it up and doing half on Sunday and half on Monday. Bless their hearts. I am so lucky to have a father and husband that get along so well and have such a great relationship. But let's get real for a second.... 24 hours in a car with anybody would be rough. Anybody who knows Brett knows he is a big talker but even he said he will probably run out of things to say after awhile. But they've got their arsenal of books, sports radio and magazines to get them through. And I have no doubt they will... and will probably have a blast doing it.

I do send out prayers for them during the drive though. It looks like the weather in the mid-west is going to be pretty horrible this weekend with tornadoes and massive hail hitting Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I pray they get through Kansas and Missouri before these storms hit or get through them safely! I will definitely be glad to have them home on Monday night!

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