Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm Here... and alive!

Yes, yes, I am in fact still here! Between Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, illnesses and a wedding, the last month has been insanely hectic but I promise to get back to a more regular blogging schedule here shortly!

In the meantime, here are a few random updates...

Brett and I are in the 5 1/2 week countdown to our anniversary trip to Puerto Rico which means budget-friendly meals and a bit of "conservation-mode" until after our trip. Here is the menu we put together for this week:

Sunday Night: It was almost 80 degrees here in South Carolina on Sunday so we were forced to grill outside. We made Bacon-Chicken Kabobs with a fall salad. It really made me crave summer-time!
Monday: We used the leftover chicken and peppers/onions from the kabobs and made fajitas! See... conservation/budget-friendly meals!
Tuesday: We plan to make these Stuffed Peppers from the Food Network Magazine but may put them on hold until this weekend so I can go to dinner with 2 of my new-mommy friends who need a night out of the house... the sacrifices I have to make sometimes. :)
Wednesday: Baked Spaghetti - this is one of my favorite meals to make (and the first thing I ever cooked for Brett when we were dating). It makes a huge recipe so we always freeze half of it for another night! I can share the recipe next week.
Thursday: Left-overs
Friday: Eat Out!

Starting this weekend something will happen that has never happened before since Brett and I were married... we are home for 5 consecutive weekends in a row. We are so excited to be able to have some time to get things done around the house, relax and most importantly start going to a Sunday School Class at the church we have been visiting!

I've been wanting to share pictures of the holidays but for some reason my blogger site won't let me upload any... bummer. Hopefully it starts working soon so I can share some pictures! (Any other bloggers have the same problem??)

Hope everyone has a great week and I promise to be back more often now that things are slowing down a bit! :)

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